Downloads & Links

Here are some free Downloads.  Some of them are also available as printed versions from the Rangers Office

Membership Form  for joining the Friends of Dibbinsdale 

Tree Trail  – This is a route for a brief walk around the area near the Rangers Office where there is an interesting collection of trees that date back over 100 years.

HeritageTrail  – A fascinating look at some of the historical aspects of the reserve.

A fuller History of Dibbinsdale

Dibbinsdale’s wildflowers –  two printed alternative versions covering both Spring and Summer flowering plants.

Bodens Hey Wildlife   – a single sheet showing some of the variety of wildlife to be found on the meadow.

Enjoy Your Pond  An excellent Environment Agency Booklet on how to create and manage a garden pond. It has advice about what plants to grow and also which invasive ones to avoid.


Here are a few links to other sites that may be of interest.  Updated Links soon

Wirral Environmental Network (WEN) in addition to many and varied courses, they also produce a monthly WHAT’S ON email covering most environmental / Green groups on the Wirral

Wirral Wildlife & New Ferry Butterfly Park

Port Sunlight River Park

Wirral Council – page giving information about Dibbinsdale Local Nature Reserve

Charles Brotherton Trust – This charity was established in 1940 by Charles Brotherton, Chairman of the chemical manufacturers Brotherton & Co. He wished to provide benefit to the residents of the towns in which the Company had manufacturing plants. The Trust continues to provide support for educational aspects of work in Brotherton Park and Dibbinsdale LNR.