The Orchard
Details of the orchard in the walled garden and also a small orchard on Woodslee Field. This is on a separate website https://sites.google.com/view/treesofthewirral/fruit-trees-of-dibbinsdale
Small Mammal Survey 2011
In April a survey of the small mammals to be found around the upper meadow was undertaken in conjunction with the Cheshire Wildlife Trust local group. During the survey four species were captured: Wood Mouse, Short tailed Vole, Bank Vole and Common Shrew. More….
Wild Flower Meadow
An area of the meadow near the Carpark was prepared and sown with native wildflower seeds in May. The resulting display in August and September was super and elicited many comments and appreciation from our visitors. More…
River Water Quality
A project to look at the quality of the water in the River Dibbin has recently been started. Phil Starkey, who worked with us as our Seasonal Ranger last Summer (2011), is currently undertaking this work as part of an educational project. River monitoring is being undertaken from January to March – so watch out for Phil with his test meters and notebook. He will be happy to explain what he is doing. A full outline of the project and some preliminary information about the river water is available here. More…